Jelly Fish Tank Square For Visual Stimulation and Home Decor

The visual effects and the stimulation these Jelly Fish Tanks provide already well known and cherished among many. Gliding through a variety of 6 colours (with the option of staying still on 1 colour), this fish tank captivates and relaxes its viewers. The Jellyfish are specially designed to move around in a natural and realistic way. Carefully designed air-pumps push air into the water causing the Jellyfish swim around in a life like way. The LED lights ensure a long life and low power consumption, though there is an automatic shut off after 4 hours to help maintain the good condition of the lights.
Suitable for use in the home, at work or in a Dark Den or Sensory Room!
Stimulates the senses and creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere
Highly recommended for autism, down syndrome, CP, Aspergers, ADHD or SPD
Use as home dcor to enhance your living room, bedroom or playroom, or use as office dcor desk lamp
Sensory stimulation is strong with 5 vibrant LED changing colours
Naturally soothing on the eyes
Creates a great safe-space for kids. to verbally express their thoughts and emotion.
Lights Up and shifts between various Colours
LED Lights for less power consumption with multiple settings & phases
Sturdy case for better protection and nicer fit.
Near silent motors
Powered by UK Mains Plug
Size: 24 / 9.5 / 28 cm.
Colour: Black / Transparent
Power Source: Mains
Usage: Sensory Stimulation and Home Decor
Material: Sturdy Plastic
Weight: Approx.: 2 kg.