Light Up Toys Dark Den Kit 10 Pieces

DARK DEN LIGHT UP KIT Great Kit for helping with autism, dementia, ADHD, or other abilities that prevent people from relaxing and switch off before bedtime. These tools are also ideal to create a relaxing, calming and de-stressing atmosphere which will be much enjoined on many different levels.
This kit includes the following:
Colour Changing Light Up Torch
Fibre Optic Lamp with Ice
Handheld Projector Ball
Flashing Space Ball
Large Infinity Hand Held Mirror
Mini Shake and Shine Light
Rugby Shaped Ridged Light Up Ball
Rugby Shaped Spikey Light Up Ball
Sensory Rotating Projector Ball (Kaleidoscope).
Easy to use All the products in this Exclusive Dark Den Light Up Kit are designed to be especially easy to use in order to ensure use for all ages. This allows children to be actively involved in stimulating their senses with a simple switch or a click of a button.
Colourful This Kit is Full of colour. Colour changing objects that will glow, light up and Shine. Colour changing lights provide both a stimulating and calming effect which allows for pleasurable, soothing and relaxing qualities to relax the mind and improve mood.
Our Sensory Dark Den Light Up Kit is a captivating collection suitable for children and adults alike and will be enjoyed over and over again.
This Great Kit helps with autism, dementia, ADHD, or other abilities that prevent people from relaxing and switching off before bedtime.
Use these Sensory Mood Lights to de-stress, as relaxation and to open discussion or for a calming effect to help you fall asleep.
Ideal in a sensory den or a darkened room. Can also be used in your Dining Room, Bedroom or any other room in your house or place of work. With plenty of different varieties, you are sure to satisfy every situation.
This kit is intended for sensory play or general mood-light experience.
Please Note all products may vary slightly and if stock runs out of a certain items a similar product and price or a more expensive item will be sent instead.