Grabber Classic Pro Foldable

Across you will find manygrabbers that are perfect for people in their own homes, staff or residents ina care facility. The importance of not aggravating existing conditions ishuge and something that we need to look at deeper as a society. Eachgrabber has it's own video and you can then decide on the right grabber for theperson or people that you support.
Glenn Knight, CEO Training 2 CARE Group comments "Thehome is the new hospital and providing the right equipment to keep people asindependent as possible is so important. This not only can help slow theprogression of diseases such as dementia but also provide self-care withdignity and respect. We all want to be in control of our lives, we wantto live the best way we can for as long as we can and we do not want to beconstantly reliant on others to do the simplest of tasks. The grips really do prevent twisting injuries and protects the upper and lowerbody from injuries that simply do not need to happen when we have the righttools for the job. Always risk asses and make sure the person can use theitem, but if possible let us give independence for as long as possible to asmany as possible".