Large Dual Focus Magnifier - Hand Held Lens

Do you support people with short term memory loss? Do you support people who constantly lose or misplace their reading glasses? This Item may well be what you are looking for to support people with short term reading needs. With a comfort-hold handle and large lens, this light weight magnifying glass is perfect for those ad-hoc moments when you need to read a menu, activities board or a news paper but cannot find those needed glasses. It can be carried in a carers pocket or simply placed in an area where staff know to find it. 2x magnification, 4 x inset lens for that close up reading that needs more detail and 70mm diameter this really is an important item.
Glenn Knight CEO Training 2 CARE comments"How much time do we spend looking for glasses? How frustrating is it for the person when they cannot read when THEY want to? the answer is simple: lots of time and very, very frustrating. This great item can easily be carried in a pocket and used when required to give the person we care for access to the information they want to read and a temporary fix to reduce those high anxiety levels. Personally, I always lose my glasses and even today I quickly borrowed our demonstration magnifying glass. So useful, simple and most importantly needed".