Puree Food Molds (Set of 12)

On the Item, we recognise the importance of ensuring that foods talk to the person that they are meant for. When we eat, we use various senses to tell us whether we want to eat the food. The first is obvious and this is smell, if food smells great then this is going to enhance the desire to eat it. The second is our eyesight, does the food look great? If not then we probably wouldn't trust or want to eat the food. Food molds ensure that at all times, the food is visually correct to encourage food intake, without this then we are fighting a losing battle. Food molds improve meal presentation for those that require blended foods, they save time and money and give dignity back to the people that we serve.
Glenn Knight, CEO training 2 CARE Group comments, As we age people may start to reduce the volume of foods that they consume. For people with dementia, strokes, neck or spinal injuries and many other conditions, they may experience dysphagia. This means that they will have issues swallowing food and drinks so therefore their foods will have to be blended to a consistency that means they can swallow and therefor blended. Although this may be a nutritional food and smell great, it will no longer talk to the person and look like the foods that they eat. This will impact on them and mean that they may not want to eat the foods that we serve. We have to promote food intake to like a full and healthy life and this is why food molds are a must for all. Training 2 CARE also offer training on food molds that can be accessed on theitem.tv.
Set of 12 includes;
Meat Cubes
Slices of Meat
Chicken Breast
Chicken Drum Sticks
Pork Chop
Green Beans
Baby Carrots