Heated Lap Blanket

Buying the right item, for the right condition and at the right time is so important for people that we support but first we need to understand the persons condition. To give you an example of this, we need to recognise a small difference between a person with vascular dementia and a person with Alzheimer's disease. A little known fact is that a person who has vascular dementia will find that their core temperature is lower than a person without dementia. This explains why people with vascular dementia will appear to be colder than the person supporting them is and we recognise this by the fact that they are often cold to touch, may shiver on a warm or hot day and continuously ask for blankets or jumpers. A person with Alzheimer's disease is often warmer then the person who cares for them. There have been many reports of the wife putting the central heating off and the husband with Alzheimer's going outside inappropriately dressed for the weather. Indeed even in the care industry we will find a person with Alzheimer's removing clothing and even talking all clothes off for no apparent reason, the fact is though that they are communicating with us that they are too warm.
Glenn Knight CEO of Training 2 CARE Group explains "The heated blanket is great for most conditions, syndromes, illnesses or diseases as this will be a blanket that people can take with them wherever they go and give them the sense of control and comfort. This blanket is not just a 'keep warm' item but it also offers the benefits of far infrared technology. This means it can help to improve circulation, relieve those muscle aches and pains and help to rebuild injured tissue. The blanket only uses 12 watts per hour of electric and therefore is an environmentally friendly item that can also enhance lives".