Talking Scales with Jug

Have you ever thought what it must be like for someone to have deteriorating eyesight? Do you want to keep your loved one as independent as possible or just give them the opportunity to help you as much as possible and for as long as possible? The talking scale and jug is a perfect way to help people to be able to carry on cooking or baking for as long as possible. This fantastic little machine weighs in grams, pounds, ounces and volume in ml and in a very clear English voice. Whether you want to weigh flour or butter or milk or water, this is the solution to helping and it's so easy to operate and very hard to tip over. Arthritis, dementia, Parkinson's, strokes, back or neck injuries, this will help with all.
Glenn Knight CEO Training 2 CARE Group comments "My organisation is one of the largest training providers for the care industry in the UK and it's sole mission is to improve standards across the care system and also to keep people out of care longer. Having items such as this within the home will massively benefit the people that we want to keep out of care, our loved ones. When people lose the ability to do something such as cooking, they may just give up and never attempt to do this again. I loved smelling my Nan's baking when I walked through the door but for the last few years she didn't even attempt to cook. Was this because she didn't want to when she had been cooking and baking all her life? No, it was because she found the whole experience harder because we didn't give her the tools to help her maintain her independence. Turn back time and this talking scale and jug would probably be the present of choice on her next birthday".